What is IR ?

Purpose of Institutional Review
  • To instill confidence in an institution's capacity to safeguard standards, both internally and externally, through a transparent process
  • To achieve accountability through external review and public report of an institution's evidence of its own attentiveness to quality and standards, and of actions taken to improve and be responsive to feedback;
  • To provide systematic, clear and accessible information on the standards and quality claimed by an institution so as to inform the choices and decisions of potential students, employers, funding bodies and other users;
  • To promote improvement by identifying and sharing through peer review, good practice and encouraging innovation and active use of national and international standards and benchmarks.
Aspects of IR
  • University Goals and Corporate Planning
  • Financial Resources and Management
  • Research
  • Quality Management and Administration
  • Quality Assurance
  • Learning Resources and Student Support
  • External Degree Programmes
  • University/Industry/Community/ Other Extension Activities
  • To achieve accountability through external review and public report of an institution's evidence of its own attentiveness to quality and standards, and of actions taken to improve and be responsive to feedback;
Trained Institutional Reviewers - 2019